leaning language

Which is the easiest language to learn?

It’s a common misconception that some languages are easier to learn than others. The truth is, there’s no such thing as an easy language. Each one has its own unique challenges and rewards—and it depends on the individual learner which language will be easiest for them to master.

How easy is it to learn a new language?

The answer to the question of which is the easiest language? depends on a number of factors. The difficulty of learning a new language is influenced by, for example:

  • your age and gender
  • your experience with learning languages (how many other languages have you already learnt?)
  • how much time you have available to put into learning a new one – what are your other commitments? There are no quick fixes! And don’t expect miracles if you haven’t been putting any effort into it before now.

Does age affect how difficult it is to learn?

You might have heard that learning a new language is easier for young children than for adults, but that’s not always the case. For example, my eight-year-old daughter started learning Spanish this year and has already reached a level of fluency that I would be proud of if I were fluent myself (and I’m not). On the other hand, my mother who is on the younger side of 50 has been studying Spanish for years now and still struggles with basic conversation. While it’s true that young children can learn languages more quickly than adults, they are also more likely to forget them as they get older—especially if they don’t use their second language regularly enough.

On average, adults retain more information than children when both are taught new concepts at the same time; however, once an adult has learned something in school he or she will retain it longer than if they had learned it as a child. This means that younger learners should focus on building vocabulary before grammar rules so that later on down the road when you start learning sentence structure there will be less room for error because you already know so many words!

Do we have an advantage when learning languages from the same family?

Languages from the same family are easier to learn.

This is because they share similar grammatical structures, vocabularies, and even similar pronunciations. For example, English, Spanish and Italian are all Romance languages that can be easily related to each other despite their differences in spelling and vocabulary. Another example of a language from the same family is Germanic languages like Dutch or Afrikaans (which is spoken in South Africa).

It’s important to note however that this does not mean that all languages in a single family are equally easy for any person to master as each individual has different learning styles and approaches.

What defines an easy-to-learn language?

If you’re looking for an easy language to learn, there are some factors that should be considered. A language that’s easy to learn is one that:

  • Is similar to other languages you already know
  • Has a simple grammar
  • Has a simple phonology

There are actually several factors that determine how difficult it will be to learn a particular language.

It is important to note that there are a number of factors which influence how difficult it will be for you to learn a particular language. These include:

  • Age. The older you are, the more likely you are to have acquired an accent when speaking your first language, or even lost some hearing ability. You may also have developed some bad habits in terms of pronunciation, such as saying “thay” instead of “they” (the former being more common in North America). In addition, aging tends to result in slower processing speed, which makes learning new information more challenging than when you were younger.
  • Family background and culture. If your family speaks another language at home often enough for it to become part of the fabric of your life from an early age—for example if both parents speak Spanish and English with equal fluency—then learning a third language may not present much difficulty for you whatsoever! On the other hand if neither parent speaks more than one language well then this could make learning another language much harder as there would be no one around who could teach it effectively or provide sufficient practice opportunities outside school/college classes (depending on whether they exist). Growing up with certain cultural beliefs about how languages should look and sound can also make things trickier; for instance if everyone around believes that French people talk funny then this may cause difficulties when learning French later on!


If you want to learn a new language and are looking for an easy one, there are a lot of factors to consider. The most important thing is that you’re willing to invest time and effort into your studies. It’s also important to remember that there is no such thing as an easy language—just ones that may be more similar to languages you already know or easier than others. If you’re considering taking on Spanish or French next semester, don’t hesitate because these two choices are some of the most popular languages in America today!
